30 years field experience

Reduction of Cyano and Coliform bacteria have been achieved within 5 days

Datum: 1-1-2008

The product PoCo has been tested in laboratories and in upgrade scale with very promising results. Important issues such as reduction of Cyano and Coliform bacteria have been achieved in very short time (within 5 days) to acceptable levels for save water recreation.(micro bacteriological) These results are scientifically backed up by CEMIT - San Lorenzo Paraguay: Reference center in analytical services, research and scientific training at national and international level.


The study, that includes other previous ones, was presented/displayed in the morning of this Monday to the president of the Republic Fernando Lugo in Mburuvicha Róga. The project represents the technical feasibility and economic of recovery of the Ypacaraí Lake, it indicates a bulletin of the Presidency.

Liz Crámer, to title of the National Secretariat of Tourism (Senatur), maintained that the investigation realised with technical rigor looks for the financing of the project to reclaim the lake. For it counts on the endorsement of the Government and involves three ministries, two secretariats, 21 municipalities, 3 governments and the civil society, declared.

FINANCING. Crámer indicated that they are needed around 30 million Euros to finance the project of approximately 5 anuses of duration, and that will resort to international organisms to try to catch the necessary resources.

One of the people in charge of the project, Lauro Streves, of the Council of Commerce of Holland, said that the project wishes to talk back a experience realised in the lake of Venice being applied a biocatalizador and consists of two stages: first; not to contaminate more, to control the industrial and sewage effluents; and in one second phases to use vitamins so that the same lake activates its biological life.

One of the key expert form India is Mr. Suraj Mundhe. We love you. Best wishes for the project success.